Thursday, January 16, 2014

Unexpected Assurance

Day 16

13 years ago I gave birth to the sweet creative one who made our family complete.  
I am so grateful for Addie Grace.  

She was an unexpected blessing. 
Not planned but expectantly received .

We were coming out of a hard season in our marriage and I went to seek done counsel with our pastor at the time, Ron Lewis. He said some words that I have always cherished and that set a new and hopeful course for our lives ever since.

I was concerned about being a good mother,  ashamed of my frustrations with my 2 girls I was raising, and what our future looked like .

Pastor Ron with his likeable easy ways smiled and said 
" What an amazing thing that God thinks that your such a wonderful mom that he is giving you a third child to love and raise"

This single sentence changed my entire perspective on parenting. It freed my mistakes and let me loosen up and embrace the moment because I was chosen to BE THE MAMA ! 
And God wanted to let me do it again!!

Addie has blessed our family in numerous ways . The trio of sisterhood has been wonderful to watch and our family is complete. 

I will be writing a thank you note to our former pastor because I'm not so sure he knows just how much his words have meant to me. 

I am grateful for truth spoken at a difficulty time and so grateful
For our Addie Grace!!
Happy 13!!!

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