Monday, December 3, 2018


Oh 2018 where oh where have you gone?  I have been fabulously absent from writing here for a bit. I say fabulously because my days have been filled with great gatherings, meaningful moments, unmet to do list and enough mayhem to provide writing material for the next year.  Ah sweet life .....
how we write out our to do list and the heavens erupt in laughter.

It has been a very active year for our family. We have had some health issues, two funerals , moving my mom and lots of unexpected travel mixed in, all in a back to back format.  About a month ago it all slowed down and I was able to give myself a little self care. With that R and R came a bounce back of whats next. But as I began all my list and plans and consulted my 50 for 50 list I made back in February, some of those ideas no longer held passion for me. 

I think the family events that I was a part of shifted my focus a bit and I am developing new priorities.  The first think I noted was even though the past 5 months had been difficult for my family members as well as me, I was grateful to be a part of each of them.  Now I wont go into graphic detail here out of respect for my loved ones; but I was the one asked to help and am thought of sometimes as what I call " the go to girl". You may be that person in your family or rely on someone to fill that role. 
As I considered that I was thought of to help really humbled me. I have no special talents or gifts. No degree, no elite training or endless assets. I was glad to respond and so grateful for the strength God gave me to help. I have often thought that my greatest ability is my availability, and I have many that make that a reality for me. The first being my husband who provides steadfastly for us so I can be any and everywhere else. 
I am fortunate to walk together with my family during the struggles, grief, loss and pain. No it wasn't a festival of fun all the time where ate ice cream every night and won the lottery. Sometimes we bawled, cussed and courted Jack Daniels as we figured out the next step.  Other times we prayed, laughed and binged Netflix in between physical therapy or funeral arrangements. 

 But each time there was a "we". and that "we" is a representative of the most important priority in life: TOGETHERNESS. 
And whether it is in crisis or celebration