Tuesday, January 15, 2019


A morning person I have never been

I stumble to the coffee pot and try to pour myself a cup of ambition 
(-Cue Dolly)

It takes a good 30 minutes for the fog to lift and yet somehow even though I can not string together words to form a coherent sentence, my mind is in staccato mode.

The most random unrelated thoughts
just ping pong around the dwelling that is my mind-

Blame it on my ADD- (Cue Awolnation)

So sometimes even if my body and mind have yet to make a connection I can get overloaded with thoughts and quite frankly I exhaust myself and it just flat out
puts me in an ill state.

I've tried reading first thing but even with readers the focus is not intact yet and anything read online just has too much competition on the screen-
what with all those colors, fonts and widgets.

Being outside helps but then my neighbor drives by and I am in my pink camo  panther robe with a spazzy rooster hairdo The fact that I haven't shaved my legs in awhile just set the white trash vibe.
This is NOT me. This is a gorgeous paid model who makes anything look classy.

Not exactly a great platform to spring from.

I want to start on a good positive note. A platform to if not seize the day at least shape it well.
This is where the greatest thing ever has occurred to me and changed my morning and the trajectory of my day


I know they have been around a while and there are many. I've listen to some here and there but never could keep up with the "episodes" on a consistent basis.

I get one every day
I can barley function in them
I need direction and guidance with as little effort on my part as possible.

I need something to get in my head by way of my ears.

It's perfect.  I pop on the headphones.
Sip the coffee and listen to the hosts lead me.

I choose ones that are uplifting or entertaining and I march in to my day like a BOSS.

Here are a few of my favorites;leave me a comment and  share your favorites with me

Monday, January 14, 2019


I am writing today about the events of my weekend and with a writing prompt provided by my group @hopewriters.  The writing word prompt today is WORD.

This past weekend was a whirlwind. As Marc and I were moving our middle daughter home form Nashville ( yeah Graduate!!) I received word that my father was in the hospital.  Receiving words like that will stop you in your tracks. The fact that those words came via group text to my sister and I at 12:45am and we were unable to hear any words from my father's own lips until later was very stressful.  Sometimes words are not necessary  and other times the lack of words; waiting for word can be excruciating. 

The words that finally came were a throat punch : Heart Attack

My sister immediately went to be by dad's side for comfort, his health advocate and communicate information to the rest of us.  Things eventually turned out the best they could be. I focused on particular positive words as I listened to the information.  It was a MILD attack, ONE blockage, SUCCESSFUL stint and our dad drove himself to the ER at the advice of his physician. Apparently more words were needed to convey that Dad should get a ride with a neighbor or ambulance!  I come from a long line of self sufficient if not stubborn people. 

Friday, January 4, 2019

Please don't take my sunshine away..

It's 4 days into the new year and its the first day we have seen blue skies and this bright yellow object in the sky known as the sun. As I wandered out onto the front porch, where I do all my fantastic thinking, everything was vibrant and illuminated.  The greens were greener, the reds redder; the sheer lack of moisture resulted in non-existent fog and absent dew.  I could see clear across the street where prior I wondered what existed beyond the grey thickness that enveloped everything not 6 inches in front of my face.

 Next I felt the warmth, the radiating beams streaming earthward spilling over with abandon to every surface.  It was at this point I looked straight up and was blinded by the big ball of fire in the sky.  The only appropriate response was crippling to my knees and weeping.

I should insert a disclaimer here that it has been brought to my attention that I tend to exaggerate; however in this situation I AM SPOT ON.

I deal with seasonal depression issues every year, this isn't my first rodeo. But what I forgot this time around was some of the aides at my disposal as I wait for the sun to come back. Its always there even if I can't see it and that is something I need to remember in my mind as well.  When the winter comes here are a few things that help me beat the blues:

 Make Light 

Seems obvious but when the light outside is so dull and gray you think your in a black and white movie based in London, it is time to bring in your own light.  I've gotten in the habit of having candles around the house and when the POS ( yes it means what you think it does) of Daylight Savings Time steals the little sunlight there is. It creates a warmth and a coziness.  If you have a fireplace I highly recommend getting it lit as soon as the sun dips over the horizon.
 I also add a few more lamps around the house and use the softer glow bulbs in my fixtures.

My greatest light trick came from my sister (check her out at @unicorngenius) She bought me a Happy Light. It is a large light that simulates UV rays from the sun. I keep it on my vanity and turn it on as I get ready for the day. It is similar to the light people in Alaska ( God love their grit) use.  Anyone remember Northern Exposure? They had head lights on during their long and desperate winter.

Create Your Own Summer

Watch TV, movies  that are in sunny locations.
Listen to beachy music (Spotify) or put on National Geographic channel about the Islands.

 Enlighten Your Thinking

When the hum drum Eeyore thoughts creep in hit them back with literal sunny thoughts and facts.  Scripture has a lot to say about the sun. You can find many here, but to get you started here is one of  my favorites : Psalms 113:3
 From the rising of the sun to its setting The name of the LORD is to be praised

And with that whether you see the sun or not know that it is rising and setting according to the will of the One who loves you and keep praising Him.